Pediatric Speech-Language Pathology Services

Friendly and engaging speech therapy to serve the children and families of the Eastern Shore of Maryland

Communication is all about connection —
help your child be heard

Speech Language Pathologists work with children to improve communication in multiple ways. This can look like producing clear speech, communicating through words or pictures, and understanding the verbal and non-verbal communication of others. 

With effective communication, children experience more happiness and success in school and in relationships. 

Your child might need speech therapy if you notice challenges in the following areas…

  • Difficulty making certain sounds

  • Garbled or difficult to understand speech

  • Difficulty following directions or answering simple questions 

  • Not attempting to use language to communicate

  • Challenges with early reading skills, sound-letter relationships, or following written instructions

  • Stuttering or challenges around word fluency

  • Frustration when unable to communicate wants, needs, or ideas

Understanding the process

We are here to guide you through each step.

  • 1. Intake Process

    Gather and review needed background information

  • 2. Initial Evaluation

    Understand challenges and develop a plan

  • 3. Treatment Sessions

    Customized sessions to work towards goals

Speech-language pathology services
for children include:

  • Articulation

    Practicing sounds and articulation of age-appropriate sounds to reduce frustration and increase the intelligibility of your child’s speech.

  • Expressive and Receptive Language

    Increasing vocabulary, sentence use, grammar, and syntax with an emphasis on comprehension of spoken language to increase functional communication with others at home, school, and in the community.

  • Fluency and Stuttering

    Using proven strategies to speak more easily with less stress and tension.

  • Oral Motor Skills

    Increasing coordination and strength of muscles related to speech including issues with apraxia and tongue thrust to improve speech.

  • Feeding Therapy

    Improving success with breast-, chest-, or bottle feeding, transitioning to solid foods, transitioning to oral feeds, and addressing challenges associated with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders.

  • Social Skills and Play

    Developing age-level play skills which are the foundation for development and learning. Sharing, attention, and turn-taking play important roles in social interactions with family and friends.

  • Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)

    Our SLP team can trial and train you and your child on technology or alternative communication methods that can unlock communication, self-expression, and connection for non-speaking children.

Speech Therapy for your child in the

Salisbury, MD region and in Easton, MD

Our speech-language pathology program will guide your child towards success by instilling confidence in their communication.