Pediatric Physical Therapy Services

Convenient locations in Easton, MD and the Salisbury, MD region

Friendly therapists for a positive experience.

We are all about understanding kids! That means we create therapy experiences with an understanding of child development, childhood conditions, and what makes kids tick. Our personalized care balances friendly communication, progress, and a healthy dose of laughter along the way.

Your child might need physical therapy if you notice challenges in the following areas…

  • A developmental disorder that impacts movement 

  • An infant with torticollis (difficulty turning head to one side)

  • Missing motor milestones such as rolling, crawling, or walking

  • Toe-walking

  • An accident, surgery, or illness that results in pain, weakness, or low endurance

  • High muscle tone or low muscle tone 

  • Return to sport after injury

  • Incoordination or poor balance

Understanding the process

We are here to guide you through each step.

  • 1. Intake Process

    Gather and review needed background information

  • 2. Initial Evaluation

    Understand challenges and develop a plan

  • 3. Treatment Sessions

    Customized sessions to work towards goals

What we work on in physical therapy for children

  • Movement Delays

    Some children need extra practice to achieve motor milestones like rolling, sitting, walking, or jumping. Whether your child has a gross motor delay due to a developmental disorder or incoordination, we are here to help them grow and succeed.

  • Musculoskeletal Problems

    From injuries to developmental disorders, we understand the bodies of kids. We address muscle weakness, flexibility, and joint stiffness for a happier, healthier daily life with your child.

  • Building a Foundation

    Without core strength or enough endurance – your child will have difficulty sitting in a chair, getting dressed, or having enough stamina to get through an activity. So much in daily life improves with the right foundational motor skills.

  • Coordination and Control

    Some kids struggle with the coordination and control needed to move effectively. We work on coordination and motor planning for more confidence and flow with play and self-care.

  • Mobility Equipment

    When it comes to investing in equipment for your child, it is important to make the right selection and use it correctly. From walkers and crutches to wheelchairs, we are your trusted partner when it comes to determining what your child needs, followed up with practice and training.

Physical Therapy for your child in Easton, MD

Pediatric Physical Therapy For Your Child Starts With a Phone Call.